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Hardness Viscosity
Part A (m.Pas)
Part B (m.Pas)



CasePolyurea 63D


300 @ 40oC

240 @ 40oC


Iso:  Poly:

CasePolyurea 95A


300 @ 40oC

210 @ 40oC


Iso:  Poly:

CasePolyurea F50D


200 @ 40oC

100 @ 40oC

Iso:  Poly:

CasePolyurea 90A


110 @ 40oC

210 @ 40oC

Iso:  Poly:


Polyurea is one of the best material for coating applications like anti-corrosion and waterproof. The reaction between polyetheramine and isocyanate creates the polyurea. Polyurea is known as a fast setting, rapid curing, 100% solids, flexible, aromatic, two component PURE spray polyurea that can be applied to suitably prepared concrete and metal surfaces. Its extremely fast gel time makes it suitable for applications down to 6,5 oC. It may be applied in single or multiple applications without appreciable sagging and is relatively insensitive to moisture and temperature allowing application in most temperatures. The reaction rate between polyetheramine and isocyanate is faster than the polyol and isocyanate. Therefore the main polyurea application are done with special two components high pressure machines.

Cestel have two types polyurea, pure and hybrid. Pure polyurea does not have any polyurethane bond in the coating. Since amine and isocyanate reaction is fast, there is no need any catalyst addition into the formulation. Catalyst addition creates some drawbacks in polyurea application. Polyurea is not affected from the air moistures. However, if there is catalyst in the formulation, it will be sensitive to air moisture. If there is catalyst in polyurea formulation, during the polyurea application there will be more bubbles and pinholes in coated surfaces. Hybrid polyurea have polyurethane bond in coated film. The reaction between polyol and isocyanate may not be fast enough for spraying. Therefore the amount of alcohol group is important in hybrid polyurea. If the alcohol group increases, the amount of catalyst will be increased in the formulation. This makes hybrid polyurea more sensitive to the moisture in air. Cestel hybrid polyurea formulation is optimized to the less alcohol . Therefore there is no catalyst in our polyurea formulation.

Why do customers use hybrid polyurea?

Pure polyurea is consist of amine and isocyanate. Hybrid polyurea contains alcohol in the formulation. Amine is more expensive than alcohol. Therefore hybrid resin is much cheaper than the pure one. You can get a good quality coating with Cestel hybrid. This make customer to choose hybrid rather than the pure. There are some applications hybrid may not be used like car parking lots and chemical tank applications.

There are various types of hybrid polyurea. Therefore the quality of the product hybrid can be confused as a bad quality. The quantity of polyurethane in formulation affects the quality of the polyurea. Since polyurethane is cheaper than polyurea, more polyurethane in formulation makes cheaper polyurea. When polyurea becomes cheaper, the quality can be sacrified. Cestel hybrid gives more attention to the quality of the coating. Therefore hybrid formulation is optimized to 80:20 (polyurea:polyurethane). More than 20% polyurethane can creates less quality in coating performance.

Application Area of Polyurea

Polyurea can be used in many applications. Airports, refineries, parking deck, marine environments, secondary containment, water and waste treatments are some of the applications areas of polyurea.

Polyurea should be used in special coating applications. For waterproof application polyurea have more rivals (silicone, polyurethane, bitume etc). Its rivals will do the same job for waterproof application. However, it has less rivals for special application in refinery coating, mining operations and power plants coatings.